My Trivallis

Talk to our team 24/7

Our phones are answered 24/7, but please only call out-of-hours if it’s an emergency.

How can we help

Our support teams work with tenants who need extra help to stay in their homes. Our free and confidential services are for people facing tenancy issues or adjusting to a new property or area. The team provides advice on things such as welfare benefits, housing, learning and job opportunities.

Here are some services we offer:

  • Getting ready to start a tenancy and understanding what this means (GRAMO)
  • Managing money, benefits, and your household budget (SAFE and STEPS)
  • Preventing homelessness (SAFE and STEPS)
  • Settling into a home and making friends in the neighbourhood (SAFE and STEPS)
  • Keeping your home safe and uncluttered (MAGPIE)
  • Arranging appointments and accessing other helpful services (SAFE and STEPS)
  • Filling out forms, reading mail and writing important letters (SAFE and STEPS)
  • Accessing leisure, skills, and employment opportunities (SAFE and STEPS)
  • Support to stay independent (SAFE and STEPS)

How does it work

We will visit you at home (or another agreed place) to talk about how we can help and what you want to achieve. This helps us put together a support plan which is specifically tailored for you and will be regularly reviewed.

We work together with other agencies to make sure you can also get help from them. 

Meet our Tenancy Support team

It might be difficult to talk to us about problems which are affecting you and your home, but our advisors are trained to work with people going through tough times.

We want you to feel happy in your home and able to cope. Let us know as soon as possible if you’re feeling overwhelmed. The sooner you contact us, the sooner we can work with you to fix things before they get worse.

Talk to our team 24/7

Our phones are answered 24/7, but please only call out-of-hours if it’s an emergency.